Vision Sunday – Matthew 22:1-13
Today is our vision Sunday, where we want everyone to get a sense of what we hope to achieve in 2023. It is a critical year for us, our 100th year at Charlestown and we want to build on the rich heritage we have been given as well as pursue the vision of the future that God is giving us.
To do that we will be talking about our vision at our services and throughout the day.
8am – Swansea – Vision Sunday – Matthew 22
9:45am – Charlestown – Vision Sunday – Matthew 22
12 noon – Charlestown – Vision for Kids Work
2pm – Charlestown – Vision for Mission
3pm – Charlestown – Vision for Pastoral Care
4pm – Charlestown – Vision for Evangelism
5pm – Charlestown – Vision for Youth Work
6pm – Charlestown – Vision Sunday – Mark 8
I believe vision is better caught than taught. That means if you can possibly come to Church this Sunday and then come along to the discussion times that you are most interested in, that would be the ideal. Because you are an important part of what we hope to achieve this year. But if you can’t make it I have attached our morning service. I have also attached a copy of the Church calendar for the year, please put in the key dates in your diary/phone so that you don’t forget them. Also if you can’t make it to any of the sessions please send me an email and I will send you the notes of what we are discussing.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18).
Your brother in Christ,
Sermon Link: