Our Ambition 2021
Today is our vision Sunday.
If you are able to make it to one of our services today it will give you a sense of what we are hoping to do this year.
We also have a number of meetings to talk about kids Church, youth group, evangelism, mission, pastoral care, buildings and small groups where we are talking together about how our vision becomes practical in these key areas of the church. So if you or your family have any involvement in these areas (or want to know what is going on in these key areas) then please come along. The details are in our Church Bulletin.
2021, ambition, ambitious, change, desire, essentials, follow Christ, God's glory, God's power, God's will, God's Word, gospel, health, Holiness, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Love, mission, obligation to others, outreach, partnership, pioneering, plant, Praise, prayer, preach, proclamation, sanctification, share, transformation, transformed lives, Truth, unity, Vision, win the lost, witness, worship