The Cosmic Conflict (Revelation 12)
I have been thinking this week a bit about teams and Churches. As I grew up (in a non-Christian family) I was instilled with the need to be committed to a team. So when I joined a team sport I always went to training, I was committed to going to the game each week because I was a part of the team. And I still see that as a really good thing today.
And yet if we are committed to sporting teams, how much more should we be committed to God’s community the Church? Each Sunday we get to join together as an expression of our faith in God and participate in God’s renewed community that has His work to do in His world? In my mind that is even more important than being in a sporting team and so so my commitment to God’s Church should reflect that.
But what happens when my commitments clash? A sporting event is on a Sunday morning or a dance performance clashes with Sunday School? Well one way would be to still be involved in your team and come to Church at night? In that way you can keep both commitments! But that won’t always be able to happen. So you need to make a call on what commitment is more important to you. But remember when you make that call you are communicating something to your family and to yourself! Especially if you consistently make the same call.
Today we have another chance to build God’s community at Charlestown Presbyterian. Please join us if you can. And if you can’t, we have provided this service for you and your family to keep connected with the Lord in worship and with us as we pray together, hear God’s word together, hear the preaching of God’s word together and as we worship God together.
So let us worship God!
Your brother in Christ,
Sermon Link: