Spiritual Abuse – Ezekiel 34
12 September 2021

Spiritual Abuse – Ezekiel 34

Passage: Ezekiel 34:1-31


We are now getting towards the end of the book of Ezekiel, a book that charters the course for hope in the midst of judgement for the people of God. And on Thursday we had our NSW Premier giving her own version of hope in the midst of a pandemic as well, a roadmap for the end of lockdowns.  So it raises the question where will be put our hope? In vaccines or in God? In the government or the Word?

In today passage, Ezekiel 34, we see that what we need is a good shepherd. And in the New Testament we find who this good shepherd is, Jesus.  So can I encourage you this day to put your hope in Jesus.

Because our hope is much wider than just good health at an end of the lockdown. It’s is life to the full, both now here on earth today and one day with the Lord in eternity. So my prayer for us in the days to come is

That you may be safe physically in the midst of COVID as things begin to open up.
That you may be supported relationally as we all lean upon those that God has placed around, especially the family of God.
That you may all grow spiritually as you continue to make the most of the means of grace – prayer, Bible reading, Church and the sacraments

That’s my hope. That we will all see that God wants to do something physically, relationally and spiritually in each one of us by drawing us near to his Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37)

Your brother in Christ



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