The city has fallen! Ezekiel 33
5 September 2021

The city has fallen! Ezekiel 33

Passage: Ezekiel 33:1-33


Today we are going to celebrate the Lords Supper.

So if would be great if you could go and get some bread and some juice in order to be ready to remember the Lords death. But more importantly can I encourage you to prepare your heart and mind for worship.

It is so easy to just click on a sermon without prayer, or to consume a Church service without coming first to the Lord Jesus. We are privileged to have access to such technology but it will do us no good if we just consume it rather than participate in it by faith in Jesus. We need to be worshipping the Lord Jesus, drawing near to him, seeking his help and strength, resting in His Spirit and asking for the help go and to serve Him.

In 1 Corinthians 11 it says that some people took the bread and the wine unworthily with tragic cicrumstances. Lets make sure we are prepared for today's Lords Supper as well as for the preaching of the Word, for song and for prayer.

Friends, let us worship God. We have two options in doing so, via the interactive service notes below or via video.


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