Anew Creation (Revelation 21-22)
18 September 2022

Anew Creation (Revelation 21-22)

Passage: Revelation 21:1-22:21


The Church is a a community not a building. Which means that we can't say we have done Church or gone to Church or even are a part of a Church without connecting with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Which is why Church worship is not done in isolation, it is also done in the midst of fellowship, service and evangelism.

This Sunday gives us another chance to worship God and to be part of his body of believers, the Church. It is one of God's good gifts to us, let us make the most of it. We can either do that by coming to Church today and worshipping God or using the resources that our Church is providing for you in this service. Make the most of them to grow in your relationship with the Lord and His People.

Your brother in Christ,


PS I have attached an article that recently won a Gospel Coalition young writers award and a video about the faith of Queen Elizabeth. I hope you find them both encouraging.

Sermon Video:

Advice from a College Student: Go to Church


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