The Christmas Story – How Low Can You Go?
20 December 2020

The Christmas Story – How Low Can You Go?

Passage: John 1:1-5, John 1:14, Genesis 18:1-8, Genesis 18:16-19, Exodus 3:1-6, Joshua 5:13-15, Daniel 3:19-27, Philippians 2:5-11

It's now only 5 sleeps to Christmas! and it has been a strange build-up this year hasn't it? Less Christmas celebrations because of COVID. More subdued. I am not hearing as many carols in the shops or references to Jesus at all. Our world has its mind on other things.

But as Christians we need to have our minds focussed on the Christ of Christmas. So today we will have the opportunity to sing the carols and prepare our hearts for Christmas by focussing on how Jesus came to earth not just as a man but as a slave. And this slave humbled himself and died on a cross for our sins. Now how low can you go, really?

I hope you enjoy this interactive service. But don't forget COVID restrictions have eased greatly, so you can join us at Church. I can assure you there will be room for you in the Church even if there was no room for him in the inn!

Your brother in Christ
