Why Doesn’t God Clean Up The Mess? (Revelation 6-7)
17 July 2022

Why Doesn’t God Clean Up The Mess? (Revelation 6-7)

Passage: Revelation 6:1-7:17


What a joy it is to be able to worship the Lord with you each Sunday!

What a disappointment when we aren’t able to worship the Lord with our brothers and sisters on any given Sunday.

So to reduce our disappointment we provide all our regulars each week with a service for those that are not able to come to Church. Most other Churches have stopped providing for their people in this way because of the work involved, but we want to prioritise our sick and our aged and ensure they don’t miss out. It may not be as good as worshipping face to face but we send this to you along with our prayers that it might encourage you in your faith.

Your brother in Christ,


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