The Shipping News – Ezekiel 27
From the very beginning the Lord set aside a day of rest and worship to be HIS day, the Lord's day. For most Christians today that day is Sunday.
As most of us are in lockdown at the moment and are not able to get out; do other things why not give the whole of this day to the Lord? Why not begin a new routine (or recapture an old one) where the Lord comes first on Sunday. Where our time spend with the Lord is not limited to an hour or two of worship but where we worship, sing, read, reflect, pray and have fellowship for the whole day.
Attached is our interactive morning service for us to begin our day.
Why not follow that up with a conversation or two on the phone? I have attached again our Keeping in touch idea to remind you to connect deeply and regularly with at least one person in our church family.
Then you could join our Stay Salt book discussion to think about how we all need to be more involved in Jesus great commission. I have attached the questions we will be discussing. If you are a church member, see your email today for a Zoom link to a discussion you can join in with today from 2-3pm.
Following that you might ring up and invite someone to Church next Sunday - either live (if the lockdown ends) or by sending them a video of the service we will do. We will be having an outreach service at all four of our regular Church services. We hope to also prerecord it and send it out by Friday night to broaden the reach of these services even more..
And you could end with joining our Sunday @ 6 livestream service. You can do that by going to either the Church's public or private facebook page at 6pm.
A bit radical I know but it certainly would enable this day to be a day of worship and rest and one where we could give the Lord the praise and honour he alone deserves. And isn't what this day is really all about?
Your brother in Christ