Switching the Price Tags – Luke 16:1-15
5 March 2023

Switching the Price Tags – Luke 16:1-15

Passage: Luke 16:1-15


“This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it”

Many of our people (actually about 140 of them!) are away on our Church Camp this weekend at Tahlee enjoying fun, fellowship, food and feeding from the Word of God. That means we will be down on numbers today at Church. But that just gives us all a chance to fill in the gaps.

So please, if you can, come to Church come and get involved. While you are there look out for newcomers, get involved in the worship, sing with gusto, be open to the Spirit’s promptings, stay for morning tea and join in what God is doing amongst us. In that way we can keep the wonderful momentum that we have been building since the start of the year.

I hope to see you today in Church. But if you can’t make it here is our paper service to help lead you in worship.

Your brother in Christ,



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