Out of the Storm
23 August 2020

Out of the Storm

Series: , ,
Passage: Job 38:1-33, Job 40:1-14, Job 42:1-6

Welcome to church this week. Today we reach the end of Job’s journey through his suffering. What has God
been doing? Why has God allowed Job to suffer this way? Suffering is the great test of the Christian faith.
Suffering exposes our view of God. Suffering tempts us to either run to or run from God. Martin Luther said
that “Whoever does not know God hidden in suffering does not know God at all.”

Yet, surprisingly, in today’s passage God doesn’t even address Job’s many questions about the role of God
in his suffering. God doesn’t give him specific answers to his question but turns Job’s attention to
something much more valuable: He turns Job to ponder the character and power of God himself.

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