Meeting… (Acts 9)
9 October 2022

Meeting… (Acts 9)

Passage: Acts 9:1-43


How busy are you? Too busy to come to Church today? too busy to find time to read God’s word? Too busy to pray? Then you are too busy!

The Lords Day gives us a chance to step off the travelator of busyness. It helps us to get our priorities right. It reminds us that the Lord is God. And it helps us to reorder our lives so that we have time for the most important thing in our life, the Lord Jesus.

So let us find time in our busyness to worship God. Hopefully you can join me at Church either at 8am (Swansea), 9:45 or 6pm (Charlestown). But if you can’t then please prayerfully and worshipfully go through the service we have prepared for you this day.

Your brother in Christ



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