God’s Vision for Life – Ezekiel 40-48
3 October 2021

God’s Vision for Life – Ezekiel 40-48

Passage: Ezekiel 40:1-9, 43:1-12, 47:1-12, 48:30-35

How are you all travelling? The last few weeks have been difficult for many, during lockdown, with normal life put on hold. There were times when it seemed that there was no end in sight. Finally, light at the end of the tunnel for NSW; October 11th, December 1st. I’m sure most of us are counting the days. We’ve finally got something to look forward to.

The book of Ezekiel began by describing God’s holiness that Israel had despised and ignored. Ezekiel was called to preach to a people whom God labelled obstinate, stubborn and rebellious, and, subsequently, God’s presence departed from the temple, the city and the people. The people were in a very dark place with little to hope for. Out of that dark place, that time of little hope, we come to the end of the book where Ezekiel presents a vision of God’s final perfect kingdom. Hope to the people of Ezekiel’s time and a future kingdom that we can anticipate and expect.

We’re here today to worship, to praise and to thank God for all that he provides for us. Please join us by watching the service and sermon below.

Church Service

Sermon – God’s Vision for Life

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