Compare the Pair – Malachi 4
Today we have our last instalment from the short book of Malachi.
It hasn’t been an easy book to study with Malachi saying some tough things to both our society and ourselves. But the Christian life isn’t meant to be easy! Which is why God’s word continuing points us to the one, Jesus, who will walk with us through life. In Malachi 4 we are reminded that Jesus will come again and we need to be ready for that great day. Are you ready?
My prayer is that meeting with God’s people and hearing God’s word preached today will enable us to all be ready for that day. Because it might be very soon…
Your brother in Christ
Abraham, arrogance, arrogant, be prepared, blessing, Compassion, complain, complaint, Cross, Curse, dancing for joy, Elijah, Evil, father, Fear, fire, forerunner, freedom, fulfillment, furnace, futility, get ready, get what you can, getting ahead, giving, God hears, God-centred, good, healing, hear, Holy Spirit, Jesus, John the Baptist, Joy, Judgement, Kingdom of God, leaping for joy, listen, others, prayer, prayers, prophet, redemption, release, remnant, repentance, Restoration, righteous, Salvation, scriptures, self, self-centred, service, serving, Sin, Spirit, temptation, the day, the day of the Lord, warning, wicked