Church Planting (in Ephesus) – Acts 18-20
27 November 2022

Church Planting (in Ephesus) – Acts 18-20

Passage: Acts 18:1-20:38


Its official! In the last month our attendances have come back to pre-COVID levels. After almost three years of paper services, extra prayer times, live streams, YouTube sermons, zoom meetings, running a fourth service, social distancing, extra ventilation and cleaning we are now back to where we were in February 2020.

Now of course this doesn't mean that we are over the COVID threat as we enter into Australia's fourth wave. But it does mean that all the hard work by a lot of people has paid off. We should be so thankful for the way that many of our people have gone the extra mile and beyond to support and encourage us during this difficult time. We may have worked hard to keep in touch with people, to support them through this difficult time but we especially ought to be thankful to our great God who has been gracious to us and looked after us as a Church.

So we have a lot to thank God for! In the next couple of weeks we have the chance to do just that. Today we can join with our brother and sisters to worship Him. In the coming weeks we have the following...

Sunday 4th December       Lords Supper

Saturday 10th December  Gather Round Festive Family Evening

Sunday 11th December     Kids Church Presentation

Sunday 18th December     Carols Service

Saturday 24th December   Christmas Eve Service

Sunday 25th December      Christmas Day Service

Lets make the most of these great occasions to praise and worship God for his goodness to us throughout the year.

Your brother in Christ,


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